Once upon a Time

Once upon a Time
Our finale momentssss ^____^

Monday 26 May 2014

My Aspergers Partner and Friends >.~

Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests

Although they socially awkward, weirdo, clumsy.....Indeed, i love those kind of traits...it's very unique ^.^
 They also known as Aspie People *wanna know if you actually aspie or not, just do some personality test*

Aspie among famous people 

Normal kid always mess around with their toys. But for Aspie child, they arranged the stuff according to the size, colour and very particular in certain things...*they can be a good researcher ;)*

After learning about Aspie....I just realised, in reality i already met few people like them....whats suprising, actually my little sister is a aspie. The way she arranged her toys, teddy bears, sometimes doesnt make sense. I feel like myself in exhibition hall or museum instead of her room.

My parents kinda having harsh time handling her social interaction problem...The teachers been complaining about her academic performance and class participation. I knew she been bullied as well but afraid to voice out about it. So, my parents decided to send her to any motivational camps in order to improve her social skills and build up her self-esteem *she very timid and shy unlike me- im so bubbly XD*

 Bill Gates is a Aspie...their way of thinking totally different from other......

Btw, Aspie loves to be alone and mostly never initiates any conversation....When you hold conversation with them, you gonna be the first one to initiate it...

How about if you have Aspie as a partner 
one think for sure, they definitely going to be devoted and loyal person since they knew it's very difficult for them to create bonding with others. That's why they cherished you in their own way 

Please be honest with them and have open talk instead of giving silent treatment. They really having difficult time to interpret non-verbal communication.

Am I Aspie???...i do have diffcult moment to interpret non-verbal communication =.='''
Is like u unable to read between the lines what other people trying to say....

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