Once upon a Time

Once upon a Time
Our finale momentssss ^____^

Friday 30 May 2014

Are you polyglots >.~

Polyglots - by latin - poly = multiple,  Glots = tongue
= able to speak or write several languages; multilingual.


Honestly, I do agree with Tim.......
Once you started speaking different languages, you will becoming different person >.<

Meet Akiko, Anna and Naim

The interesting about Anna...She can speak

Currently, she is learning italian
I was like...wow .. you are so amazing *Anna, i can teach you malay, the most superb duper easy, we dont have present,past,future* you only add additional word before the verb.

for example verb Makan (eat)
Saya sedang makan ( I am eating )
Saya sudah makan ( I already ate)
Saya akan makan ( I will eat )

When russian speak malay

Me, Anna san and Akiko chan were walking out of nowhere Y^.^Y

Akiko was asking me, how on earth u wrap your hijab. It looks nice. I wanna try..
I was like, hmmm i am gonna need some pins or else the scarf will be blowing away by wind..
 Akiko, i am going to wrap you, just be prepared XD *Indeed, she looks so kawaiiiii*

Especially, to all my non muslim friends, please read this post

if you have any questions related to Islam, Hijab or The rights between men and women in islam.
Honestly, i dont mind answering it. Indeed, i was kinda surprised when you asked me when did I start wearing hijab, i was like --- when i reached puberty *actually, i forgot when did i put on my first hijab*
hmmm, it happened when my childhood friend told me, you will look more girlish and nice if you wearing hijab.
Yes, i did mark his word and started wearing it.... * i used to be very boyish*
He was like starting to distance himself  from me. I was like whats wrong? 
U know what, since u started wearing hijab, I'm starting to acknowledge u as a girl instead of my best buddy
I was like -- was that sarcasm,compliment or indirectly u trying to confess something =.='''''

Sneak preview our evening walk >.<

Enough blogging for today, just back to my own track, study mode activated =.='''''

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