Interracial marriage is the term used to describe marriages that take place between people who are from different racial or ethnic groups.
I would suggest you to watch this movie *the journey* very funny story about how a British guy trying to convince his Girlfriend Chinese Malaysian Dad that he deserved to be entitled as son in law and been accepted in the family.

How about their kids??? are they actually genius, problematic or completely normal
Elliot Rodger
Recently, shocking news about Elliot Rodger, the 22-year-old Californian gunman who killed six people in Santa Barbara, California last Friday was half Malaysian. He was frustrated because still never kiss a girl and being a virgin at the age of 22. That's why he decided if he can't have the girls. Atleast let him destroyed them.
Based on his video, i guess his therapist misdiagnosed him as Aspie instead of psychopath.
It was later revealed that he was diagnosed at an earlier age with Asperger's Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism, meaning he had difficulties with social interaction.
In a document titled "My Twisted World - The Story of Elliot Rodger” that he emailed to a couple of dozen people including his parents and his therapist just hours before he went on a shooting rampage revealed that his mother was of Chinese descent and born in Malaysia.....
On his 13th birthday, Rodger said his mother took him and his little sister, Georgia on a vacation to Malaysia, the first overseas trip without his father.
As soon as they arrived in Penang, he said they met up with a few of their relatives including his grandmother, known only as "Ah Mah".
"We met up with my grandma Ah Mah, my mother's sister Min and her husband Jack and cousin Emma. They were also visiting Malaysia from England," he said.
"During the trip, we toured around the island of Penang, visited George Town, went to a fun water park and had very delicious meals at many exotic restaurants," he added.
Rodger said the vacation was so nice that he didn't even miss his life at home in the United States.
"Three weeks flew by very fast and I cried a little when it was over. It was a good sadness," he wrote.
On the day of his deadly rampage, it was reported that Rodger, who was said to be "troubled" stabbed three people to death at his apartment complex before shooting three more to death elsewhere.
Driving in a black BMW, he allegedly began shooting at people in the beach-side community where many college students live.
Seven people died in the rampage including Rodger who was found dead inside the crashed BMW with a gunshot wound to the head.
Sufiah Yusuf
Sufiah Yusuf is a British mathematics prodigy originally from Malaysia.
Sufiah's mother, Halimaton, is Malaysian while her father, Farouk, is a Pakistani. Her parents, who now reside in the UK, have been described as devout Muslims.She is a citizen of the United Kingdom
Sufiah Yusof first made headlines in 1997 when she gained entry into St Hilda's College, Oxford to study mathematics at the age of 13
In 2001, she ran away from her student flat in Oxford, after taking her final examination paper for the academic year.
In March 2008, she was discovered working as a prostitute, and was quoted as saying that "I have a nice life and I am in control" and that she had no regrets.
Sunday's News of the World went on to relate how Miss Yusof, admitted to Oxford University at the age of 13, had taken to hiring herself out over the internet as a prostitute - or "Asian escort" as she termed it - at the rate of £130 per hour.
Estranged from her family, she had adopted the working name of Shilpa Lee and set up shop in a backstreet flat in Salford, Manchester.
But one thing in common between Elliot and Sufiah, both of them from broken family... Basically, the fundamental of good well behaved kids actually from loving family...Parents always play the important rule. So, if you decided to get divorced with your partner. Please dont neglect your kids as well.
Interracial Marriage among Malaysians
Malaysia has a multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society,
We do have this so called Malaysian English also known as Manglish, which is a colloquial form of English with heavy Malay, Chinese, and Tamil influences.
Honestly, I am trying my best not to speak Manglish...well, once in a blue it happens :P
Oklah, let's proceed to interracial marriage >.~ * i did again the LAH word thingy*
In our country, i would say...they dont mind, as long both of you love each other >.< (if you wanna know more about Msian Culture)
My Ancestors
the malay chronicle ---
My dad really loves bed time story about my ancestors origin....Kinda complicated to explain it...
On my father's side, my late grandpa has chinese thai-siamese bloodline *He and all his siblings look exactly like typical chinese- small eyes, fair skin* the interesting part - my grandma has indian bloodline *big eyes, tanned skin* just imagine what kind of combination we have in our familicious...very colorful Y^o^Y
My cousins totally hilarious, outspoken and bubbly as well *it runs in the blood :p*
Even our ex-prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also from indian bloodline.
Apparently, his late brother got married with my grandma cousin....Basically, i dont have any blood related to him but since he's from the same state as my father. He's really a hero because been the first one to open Malay Clinic in Kedah...He's like an inspiration for youngsters in Kedah. I do adored him so much.. It doesnt mean if you becoming a doctor, u cannot do anything else.... He involves with politic because of his passion towards it......
Honestly, when people asking me..where are you from?
I am from Malaysia...
they were like huh??
Well, do u know this missing flight MH370....
ohhh i got it, u from KLCC *the twin tower* invented by Dr.Mahathir.....
i was like wow thats amazing...u really know Dr Mahathir.
I like him because he's very out spoken and everything he said does make sense.....
* do Kedah people very outspoken * maybe, they have this capabilities to say it out loud and honest statement
the malay chronicle ---
My dad really loves bed time story about my ancestors origin....Kinda complicated to explain it...
On my father's side, my late grandpa has chinese thai-siamese bloodline *He and all his siblings look exactly like typical chinese- small eyes, fair skin* the interesting part - my grandma has indian bloodline *big eyes, tanned skin* just imagine what kind of combination we have in our familicious...very colorful Y^o^Y
Malay-chinese-indian bloodlines when mixed together *interesting right* >.<
Our freestyle moments
Even our ex-prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also from indian bloodline.
Apparently, his late brother got married with my grandma cousin....Basically, i dont have any blood related to him but since he's from the same state as my father. He's really a hero because been the first one to open Malay Clinic in Kedah...He's like an inspiration for youngsters in Kedah. I do adored him so much.. It doesnt mean if you becoming a doctor, u cannot do anything else.... He involves with politic because of his passion towards it......
Honestly, when people asking me..where are you from?
I am from Malaysia...
they were like huh??
Well, do u know this missing flight MH370....
ohhh i got it, u from KLCC *the twin tower* invented by Dr.Mahathir.....
i was like wow thats amazing...u really know Dr Mahathir.
I like him because he's very out spoken and everything he said does make sense.....
* do Kedah people very outspoken * maybe, they have this capabilities to say it out loud and honest statement

I dont mind having sarcastic friends...but trying to insult me and family...Dude, way too much,k =.=''''
Perhaps because he from so called arabian origin although he doesnt have any significant title in front of his name .... *is he aspie as well???*
Significant title for those from arab origin - sheikh, syed, syarifah
Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha is a Malaysian orthopaedic surgeon and was the first Malaysian to go into space
Sheikh Muszaphar was born in Kuala Lumpur. He is of Minangkabau, Arab and Malay descendent. He attended high school at Maktab Rendah Sains, MARA in Muar. He then earned a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India.
Sheikh Muszaphar is an orthopedic surgeon at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Sheikh Muszaphar is also a part-time model. *he was born with complete package >.~*
He told us....Just challenge yourself, it doesnt mean if you are a doctor. U goin to be a doctor for the rest of your life...Be different, dont set any limitation to yourself ..
My mother's side....The Buginese people. There is "historical linguistic evidence of some late Holocene immigration of Austronesian speakers to South Sulawesi from Taiwan" - which means that the Buginese have "possible ultimate ancestry in South China", and that as a result of this immigration, "there was an infusion of an exogenous population from China or Taiwan."
Funny thing - Our current prime minister Najib also from Bugis descendent...*interesting*
Is actually fun to know your descendent, ancestors, origin..... My Grandpa been trying to gather back all his familicious from Bugis origin.... Known as Tok Moyang Lajis Badariah - I am 8th generation...they have the family tree as well...I was amazed how they managed to gather all of us
"Malacca is a good state, beautiful and peaceful, not the birthplace of diseases," said Mohd Ali after launching the Tok Moyang Lajis Badariah descendents memorial at Serkam here on Saturday.
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